Yes this blog comes to you courtesy of a spider and the navy reserve weekend. How is that possible you ask? Well as I lay in bed, already hating being alone in bed seeing as its my husband's reserve weekend that comes once a month, and something catches my eye above me. A SPIDER!! So what do I do? Hurl my book at it in midair, hit it and watch it scramble off my bed into some secret hiding spot I can't locate. As I grab the vacuum, attach the long nozzle to the end of the hose and seek it out, its apparent that it has an invisibility cloak like Harry Potter. I can't find it anywhere. So now I know there has to be a huge spider, ok its a daddy long legs and I know it won't kill me, but it wanted to land on me once and that's not happening again, under my bed. My cat, Max was under the bed at the time it would have went under there, so in the back of my mind I'm trying to convince myself he was my knight in shining fur and ate it, but it more likely that its just waiting for me to turn off the light.
So now I sit here at the computer at midnight, knowing full well that my daughter will be up at 7am promptly, bugging me about setting up all the Halloween decorations., something I foolishly promised in order to hurry her to bed. But I can't sleep either. I'm seriously terrified of anything spider. I swear something horrible must have happened to me in another life that deals with spiders. Hurry Nick and come home and save me! Why is it whenever Nick goes away, something always has to happen to freak me out? I mean I already don't like when he's gone and things are good, the windows and doors are all super locked and bolted. Lights on outside etc. But jeez!! All I wanted to do was get to sleep. Oh well...this is my life and as much as you may laugh, I think I'll be sleeping on the couch tonight.