Mrs. Susan Beth Pfeffer emailed me this morning! For all of you who are wondering who she is, she's an amazing author! A few months ago I was standing in Walmart waiting for Isabelle to pick a book, her reward for her reading award (I love giving books as a reward! It encourages more reading and it allows mommy to have a few quiet moments for her own reading!). The young adult books were right above the children's books, so I as browsed through a cover jumped out at me, where the moon hung amazingly low in the sky over a lone house in the snow. Life as We Knew It. So I picked it up and started reading the back cover. It sounded like something right up my alley. A meteor hits the moon and pushes the moon closer to earth, thus setting of natural events like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and it follows this family, through a diary and eyes of this teenage girl, Miranda Evans. Chaos ensues, no electricity, phone etc. Its story of survival. Amazingly written. Then there is a 2nd book, Dead and Gone, that follows another family the Morales, who live in New York, when the meteor hits the earth. Then the 3rd, This World We Live In, continues on the two families path to survival.
Needless to say, I'm a huge fan of this series! So I was going through my account the other day, thinking about a review to write for these books, when I thought how awesome it would be to have them signed. But then I remembered I live in EASTERN Oregon, you know the side you never hear anything about, the side that isn't rainy and is more of a desert. Where an author signing in Portland means 6 hours of roundtrip driving, and lets be honest, Portland is the only place where anyone comes. So I looked up Mrs. Pfeffer and found that she had a blog...and a cat :)
So I asked if she autographed books and what the protocol of getting one would be. I hoped I would hear back but I didn't expect to. I embarrassingly gushed, but I wanted her to know how much I enjoy her books, and ask about the autograph. Then SHE EMAILED BACK!! She offered to send me bookplates which she would sign for my series! How amazing! She was super nice and I'm just thrilled to have heard back!